700ml | ABV:45%
Meiri Shurui was originally founded at the present location during the Ansei era at the end of the Edo period, as Kato Sake Brewery, and became a corporation in 1950. Since then, it has been making Sake, but now it has become a comprehensive liquor maker that includes making Sake, Shochu, Umeshu, Liqueurs and fermented seasonings etc.
This Wa Gin is a craft gin, which uses 10 Years aged Sake as the base with 7 botanicals, such as cinnamon, lemon peel, orange peel and other citrus fruits along with Juniper berries. Featuring a smooth texture, refreshing, complex fragrance and citrus notes, this is a very pleasant gin. You can enjoy a refreshing Gin Tonic. If you are interested, you can also use for making cocktails, like a classic Dry Martini.
Click here to purchase.
明利酒類株式會社 追溯於江戶時代末期的安政時期,當時的加藤清酒酒造, 即他們的前身, 便在現址成立,並於1950年成為公司。自此之後,酒造也開始生產蒸餾酒和食用酒精等,到現在已經成為了一家綜合酒業製造商,包括生產清酒,燒酎,梅酒,利口酒,發酵調味料等,其銷售渠道擴大到遍布全國,而且出口到世界各地。
這款 和 氈酒是使用已經存放10年的清酒作為基酒,與7種植物蒸餾而成,除了使用帶有辛辣和木質香氣的杜松子外,還包括玉桂,檸檬皮,橙皮,和其它柑桔類生果。口感圓滑,味道清新,帶有豐富的香氣,和柑橘的氣息,十分怡人。無論純飲或者加冰飲都可以,若有興致,更可用來調配雞尾酒,例如DRY MARTINI.