Mankoi “まんこい” 木桶陳釀單一蒸餾的黑糖本格燒酎 Cask Matured Single Distilled Honkaku Kokuto (Brown Sugar) Shochu

彌生燒酎釀造所是日本鹿兒島奄美大島上歷史最悠久的燒酎釀造所。他們在1922年開始釀造日本燒酎。酒廠由開始一直都生產黑糖燒酎,直到現在由川崎洋之負責管理,已經是第四代了。今年2022年正是酒廠成立的100週年。故此,我們都在這介紹一下他們的代表作 “まんこい”。

 “まんこい”意思是”邀請” 、“歡迎” 。採用米趜﹙白﹚和黑糖作為主要原材料, 用常壓蒸餾和單一蒸餾技術, 目的是要保留原材料的味道, 令到口感更為豐富。 而且蒸餾之後, 把黑糖燒酎放入橡木桶內陳釀3年, 加強燒酎味道的複雜性, 增加多些果香而不會覆蓋原本材料的味道。 加上和木桶的結合, 當中的酒精感覺會都被順服而令到這瓶“まんこい”更容易入口。

建議飲用方法: 可以加冰加梳打加少許檸檬,製造一款簡單的特飲”Lemon Sour” (這也是彌生燒酎釀造所第四代廠主川崎洋之先生特別推薦) / 淨飲 / 加冰等等。

原本屬於琉球群島的奄美大島機緣巧合之下成為薩摩版圖的一部分和主要生產甘蔗。 奄美大島因其獨特的動植物於 2021 年 7 月被聯合國教科文組織指定為世界遺產。在島上繁盛的各種獨特植之中,有一種叫做蘇鐵的植物。


如果你有興趣探訪日本鹿兒島奄美大島的大自然或參觀當地的黑糖燒酎酒廠,可以聯絡我們在日本的旅遊拍檔TABITTO去安排屬於你的行程,請在 TABITTO Travel Kagoshima 與你的旅行計劃師聯絡啦!

Yayoi Shochu Distillery is located on Amami Islands which is a part of Kagoshima, the most southern part of Japan. They are one of the oldest distilleries on the island and started to produce Kokuto Shochu back in 1922.

Yayoi Shuzo is currently owned and managed by Mr. Hiroyuki Kawasaki (also the Toji of the Distillery), who happens to be the 4th generation of his family involved in the production. 2022, is their 100th anniversary! Hence, we would like to introduce one of their flagship bottling - Mankoi.

Mankoi means “welcome”, “invite”. Using Shiro (white) Koji and Kokuto (raw brown sugar) as the main ingredients, with atmospheric single pot distillation, the goal is to retain the flavour of the raw materials, and increase the richness. After distillation, it is matured for about 3 years in Oak Casks giving the Shochu an additional fruity and complex character without overpowering the underlying ingredients.

Recommend way to drink: Add ice, lemon juice and top up with sparkling water to make a simple drink “Lemon Sour” (this is recommended by the 4th generation of Yayoi Shuzo, Mr. Hiroyuki Kawasaki) / Neat / On the Rocks.

Originally a part of the Ryukyu Kingdom, Amami Islands eventually became a part of the Satsuma domain and also a key sugarcane producing region. Amami Islands was designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in July 2021 for their unique flora & fauna. Amongst the various unique vegetation that flourish on the Islands, is type of plant called Cycads.

Cycad or Sotetsu is a type of plant, that is generally considered poisonous but can only be eaten if cut/treated appropriately to remove the toxins. Often mistaken for palm trees, these plants have been around since the age of dinosaurs and normally grow/thrive in tropical regions. These plants served as a staple and helped the population survive during difficult times for the Islands. If you wish to visit Amami Islands in Kagoshima, Japan and arrange a tour of the Shochu Distillery please visit TABITTO Travel Kagoshima