
日本燒酎是日本隱藏的瑰寶,在國內消費量甚至超過清酒,它通常是一種單一蒸餾(壺式蒸餾器)烈酒,使用傳統的酒麯發酵技術來展示Imo (蕃薯)等基礎成分的風味、 Mugi (大麥)或Kome (大米)。日本燒酎是各種美食的絕佳伴侶,可以用不同的方式享用,直接飲用、加冰、 Mizuwari (加水)、 Sodawari (加蘇打水)甚至Oyuwari (加熱水)。本格燒酎(正品)不允許添加任何添加劑。


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Organic Black Tea SHOCHU liqueur. Made by infusing organic black tea "Benifuki" from Tokunoshima island (Kagoshima) with Kome (Rice) Shochu. Delicate and smooth aroma bringing through the flavours of this special tea. Recommend to drink chilled, on the rocks or even adding some soda water or milk.

茶燒酒 Little Kiss


Satsuma Shiranami Imo Shochu is a premium spirit crafted from sweet potatoes, known for its bold flavor and rich essence.

薩摩燒酒白波 300ml


This shochu is made from 100% Koganesengan sweet potatoes sourced from Minamisatsuma. Crafted by Master Distiller Kurose, it revives the traditional use of black koji mold, which was popular in shochu production until the mid-Shōwa era. The result is a refined spirit with a gentle aroma and elegant flavor, best enjoyed with water or on the rocks.

薩摩燒酒黑白波 300ml
