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Gordon's 乾金酒 750ml

Gordon's 乾金酒 750ml


One London distillery, nine stills and as many botanicals make The World’s Most Awarded Gin, under the supervision of the world’s most experienced Master Distiller, Desmond Payne.

A quintessential London Dry Gin, Beefeater has a remarkably clean flavour, with a bold juniper character that is balanced with strong notes of citrus.



Gordon's London Dry Gin 1000ml

Gordon's London Dry Gin 1000ml


Every batch of Boodles Gin is made with labour and patience. It begins as a clean spirit distilled from British wheat and is then infused with a number of traditional herbs and spices including nutmeg, sage, and rosemary. These ingredients add a mellow but herbal quality to Boodles, which balances out the essential piney notes from juniper. Boodles Gin contains no citrus botanicals

Boodles 英國杜松子酒


Tanqueray Gin is a crafted blend of the purest four-times-distilled spirit and a handpicked selection of four botanicals, delivering a uniquely balanced gin experience.

Tasting Note : Bursting with Tanqueray’s legendary botanicals, for an elegant herbal taste and a floral finish. Aroma: Piney juniper, peppery coriander, aromatic angelica, and sweet liquorice. (Source from Tanqueray)



Wa 日本優質伏特加

Wa 日本優質伏特加


Tamras Gin starts its journery with the highest quality Neutral Grain Spirit distilled from the finest Punjab Rice in India. The botanicals are carefully sourced and distilled in their small-batch 230 litre Müeller Copper Still, "Odysseus". The traditional method of using a Copper Still ensures an ultra-refined liquid, and a smooth mouth-feel with delicate flavours kept intact.

Indian Dry Tamras Gin


JuJu 日本工藝金酒

JuJu 日本工藝金酒


Two Moons Calamansl Gin 700ml

Two Moons Calamansl Gin 700ml
